No. Just no. It’s so funny how you think you can just walk into my life whenever you want. You message me with this crappy nickname I’ve never liked and ask me if I want to go out. Keep in mind that you haven’t talked to me in two weeks because you think I don’t have time for you. Newsflash: my life doesn’t revolve around you. You. You are so immature. You lose your temper at the smallest, dumbest things and you don’t even realize it. You give me attitude when I’ve apologized. I don’t have to deal with shit like that. Why should I have to?
You’ve changed. You’ve changed a lot but I never noticed until graduation. There’s so much about you that I don’t like anymore. I used to be able to tell you everything, my every thought and feeling but you’ve become so judgmental that I can’t tell you anything. I can’t trust you anymore. Every time you say you want to come over, I keep thinking it’s because you want to see my brother and not me. Honestly, I don’t trust you anymore. You don’t care about me. You care about him. Just leave already. I can’t stand it anymore. You give me shit about stupid things. We used to be like yin and yang. Now we couldn’t be further apart. You know what’s the worst part of it all?
I should miss you. I should miss talking to you. I should miss hanging out with you. But I don’t. Instead, I feel relieved. I feel like I’m free from judgment, from petty fights. Do you know how tiring it is to right with you? I’m sick of it. You’re just so different now. I don’t know how to communicate with you anymore. I just.. can’t stand it. I feel like you’re always try to beat me in every way. I feel like you’re trying to win all the time. You want to take over everything. I feel like you just want to control everything.
I was not built for your entertainment. I get so sick of you sometimes. I just can’t stand being around you anymore. I really can’t. Maybe with time when things have cooled down, we’ll talk. For now, I want my space.
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