You know, it sucks when you try your best to get along with everyone but somehow end up being misunderstood. I wish I could trust you but when you’re going around spreading rumors as vulgar and inconsiderate as that, I don’t know if I can. This year has been long enough as it is. I don’t ask for drama. I don’t ask for misunderstandings and of course I should just think of it as “Oh it’s just another one of those situations I have to wait to get through” but instead I’m thinking I honestly don’t care for this. I honestly don’t want to care for this because I don’t have the time to care for this. Go ahead and say what you’d like about me because it’s not like I listen anyways. I realize that many things out of my mouth are easily misinterpreted and I can’t stop that. My intentions and meanings are much different from what you’ve been hearing. I wish I could ask you to have a little faith in the person I am but I can’t. Because you have no idea who I am. You haven’t bothered to really get to know who I am. I haven’t even shown you yet. Do you know the things I’ve down in the past? Do you know what has happened to be in the past 6 months? No. You don’t. You don’t have a single clue what has happened or what has gone through my fucking head. The thoughts that have raced through my mind will not race through your mind for another few years. I wish I could have that “I don’t give a shit” attitude but I don’t believe it’ll happen this time around. All this drama has been going on for way too long. I’m beginning to not care anymore. All I know is I don’t have to add you to the list of destructive friendships. You know what sucks? You believe everyone else’s opinion but mine. I guess I could call you gullible, young and naïve, but it wouldn’t do the word justice. I thought you were more mature and above all this. If I have a problem with you, you will know. If I don’t have a problem with you, then it’s whatever.
I would confront you about all the bullshit that you’ve told him, but honestly, I know you won’t admit any of that shit. You know, I can only think of one word for you: fake. I've dealt with your type before but I'm not interested in dealing with it again. I'm also not going to sabotage your life. I'm going to walk away from all this. I'm just going to walk away. I'm taking my trust back. It's funny because right when I begin to think that I can start trusting people again, BAM. Shit happens. This is what happens when you trust people too fucking easily. This is why I don't trust people in the first place.
I'm done with this bullshit.
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