Saturday, July 10, 2010

Despicable Me

Damn today was a long day. There is so much drama everywhere I turn. In my life, my sister's life, on tumblr, and in my 'daddy's' life. My fake daddy. People really need to grow up and get over it. Fuck. I'm dead serious. I'm so sick of your bullshit. We don't bug you. We don't bother you. We don't mess with you and your life. So why are you still screwing with ours? What did we do that was so wrong to you that you felt the need to destroy hers? What did we do that was so fucking wrong? This isn't the first time you've pulled shit like this. Just go away. Leave us alone. You're a bitch. A certified bitch. I've always given you the benefit of the doubt. I've always told people that no matter how much I dislike you, I would never wish you harm. At this point, I still don't. But I am really angry at you. I want someone to teach you a fucking lesson. I hope someone breaks your heart. I hope someone betrays you. I hope someone hurts you the same way you hurt her. What did she do that was so wrong to you? Why do you still feel the need to pull all this? You're such a calculating person and no one fucking sees it but us. But I've seen your true colors. They're the ugliest motherfucking colors I have ever seen on a person. I hardly ever write posts with so many foul words. That's how angry I am. I'm so fucking sick of you. I'm so angry that my vocabulary is limited. I am sick of your shit. Leave us the fuck alone before I take action. I know you're scared. Don't even try to laugh it off. It doesn't work. Karma's going to get you. It's going to come back and rape you in the fucking ass. Bitch.

Anyway other than that, there's the other bitch. Really? Seriously? Spreading rumors? How juvenile. This is not the first time you've pulled something this shady. You've done it time and time again. You know, I thought that once a person learned a lesson, they'd be a better person. Obviously that theory does not apply to you. You're a fast swimmer. Everyone knows that, but you have a terribly ugly personality to match that. Just get the fuck out. Seriously. No one likes you. Drill that into your head. I'm tired of you and the first girl.

I'm sick and tired of all this drama. Go away.

Hi Pamela. ♥

Anyway, time to tell you guys about a boy. Well, maybe next time. There will be no nickname for this boy. No color. Well at least I hope so. We'll see.